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501a Form: What You Should Know

You must print a copy of the form, print the date, and have it stamped, postmarked, or mailed to the address below by August 31. (Per Florida Statute Section 609.12 (c)(1))) (DR-501-1A.1) β€” Florida Department of State β€” F.A.C. (DR-501A-1.1) β€” Florida Department of State β€” F.A.C. (DR-501A-1.2) β€” Florida Department of State β€” F.A.C. (DR-501A-1.3) β€” Florida Department of State β€” F.A.C. (DR-501A-1.4) β€” Florida Department of State β€” F.A.C. (DR-501A-1.5) β€” Florida Department of State β€” F.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing 501a Form

Instructions and Help about 501a Form

Okay, so this is my 2018 Ford F-150 for sale. I've actually owned a lot of Ford F-150s, and this has been my favorite for sure for a few reasons. But anyways, it's a V8 naturally aspirated, so not the EcoBoost if that's important to you. I've always valued the V8 because it's a time-tested engine and I've never had any issues with it. This is what's also called the Lariat 501 package, so you have the Lariat stamp on it, which I think is important compared to just the XLT. With the Lariat package, you also get a few more bells and whistles including the Blind Spot Assist radar. Each one of those headlights is worth $2,200, so be careful not to break them. But, overall, it's a beautiful machine. The SuperCrew provides ample space inside, which is just insane. It has the amazing door lock feature that I've always loved on Fords. You can leave your keys in the truck all the time if you have your code, and the truck will just fire up. It's got tons of space. The truck is in mint condition; no one has ever sat in the back seats here, except for my kid once in a while. It's very well-maintained, and I have all-weather floor mats that come with it, which I'll throw in as well. It also has the Lariat finishes, including the wood grains, which is a nice touch. As you can see, the body is in mint condition, and it also has LED lights on the rear, which are pretty cool. The rest of the truck is just immaculate; there are no cracks in the windshield. It's a brand new windshield, and the truck has only 11,000 kilometers on it. I can count maybe two or three very...