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How long does it take to get a 501c3 determination letter Form: What You Should Know

If your application is submitted in April 2019, it should arrive in August 2019. If your application is submitted in June 2019, it should arrive in May 2020 How Long Does it Take for my 501c3 Application to Comply with Regulations? May 26, 2025 — Some applications are required to comply with new or modified regulations.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing How long does it take to get a 501c3 determination letter

Instructions and Help about How long does it take to get a 501c3 determination letter

Music, okay. So, in this video, we're going to answer the question: how long does it take the IRS to process 501 C 3 applications? - For starters, there is no guaranteed time frame. Most of the applications that we have seen have been approved in anywhere from four to six weeks. - However, there have been a few recent cases where the application was filed in December of 2017 and then it was approved in May or June of 2018. - This doesn't necessarily mean that there were problems with the application. It could very well mean that the IRS routed the application to different departments, and it could have taken time for the application to even be assigned to a reviewer. - Once the application is officially assigned to a reviewer, usually the application is approved within a few weeks. You'll receive a letter of approval for your 501 C 3. - I hope this information was helpful. Now, if you have a question, please leave it in the comments. - If you'd like to get more tips, be sure to subscribe to our channel at Whistling associates. - We're here to help you get organized, get compliant, and get control of your finances. So, be sure to visit our website at UCPa.com. - Thank you and have a blessed day.